Transport Providers

Transport Providers

Deploying RideSuite for your ground transport business.

Support for all transport service providers


Coordinate pre-booked, fixed price taxi services.

Car with driver

Ideal for private hire, car with driver and limo services.

Minibus & Coach

Manage discretionary minibus and coach bookings.


Supports shuttle-type bookings for shared services.

How RideSuite works for you

For private hire:

Eliminate errors

This year, ill-equipped transport businesses will lose $ millions through poor administration, accidental errors and costly mistakes. RideSuite automates repetitive tasks and validates booking data, eliminating unnecessary errors. Car with driver services »

Stay organised

With customers, bookings, vehicles, drivers and finances to take care of, managing a transport business is no picnic. By gathering all this data together, RideSuite helps you stay organised and in control. RideHQ »

Improve efficiency

Slash the time it takes to process each order, schedule each driver and invoice each customer. Use RideSuite's drag-and-drop tools and intelligent automation to complete tasks in minutes that might otherwise have required an afternoon of toil. RideSchedule »

For taxi businesses:

Develop new sales channels

Travellers no longer accept the serendipity of finding a taxi when and where they need it. Domestic and international travellers are increasingly booking through online platforms that help them coordinate their travel; platforms connected to RideSuite.

Boost productivity

Airport transfers, cruise pick-ups and other scheduled rides can be three to four times the value of a local trip. Scheduling bookings allows dispatchers to optimise driver shifts and reduce dead mileage. Pre-booked taxi services »

Offer ride tracking

Create digitally-connected customer experiences that rival leading rideshare brands. RideSuite helps you compete by levelling the playing field. So join today to connect with partners or launch your very own passenger app.

Get in touch

To find out more about RideSuite, contact a member of our support team. We are happy to explore how RideSuite can be deployed in your transport business. Our team can also help with setup questions and discuss migration from your current system. Whether you use custom software, spreadsheets, calendars or WhatsApp groups, our team can help with planning and onboarding, so that the transition to RideSuite is a smooth as possible.

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Better planning predictions

Mapping our nation's road network and keeping track of the myriad changes to transport infrastructure used to be a daunting technical challenge. But RideSuite can now use aggregated historic journey data provided by TomTom to more accurately estimate the time and distance for any given journey. TomTom is a leading provider in this field, boasting a large global customer base. TomTom has so far accumulated over 6 trillion consumer-driven data points from anonymous GPS measurements worldwide. This ever-expanding historical traffic database allows us to provide you with more accurate time and distance calculations for popular routes worldwide.

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How can we help?

Although your demand-side partners aren’t required to use RideSuite, there are benefits for both sides if they also adopt the platform. In particular full booking automation and sharing of ride tracking data. Contact a member of our team to find out more.

There are no setup fees for using RideSuite. Better still, no training is required for you or your team, so you’ll be up and running in no time. What’s more, our team is on hand if you have any questions, and ready with helpful hints and tips on getting the most from the platform.

After a free 30-day trial period there is a basic subscription charge for each user which can be paid monthly or annually if preferred.

Absolutely! Opening an account and adding vehicles and drivers takes just a few minutes. Then forward your business email to RideSuite to get started. All that’s involved is a simple redirect rule on your info@, sales@ or similar email account. Our email parser reads your booking emails and automatically imports known formats, ensuring that you’ll see the benefits of switching to RideSuite from day 1.

Our team is on hand to help you get up and running on RideSuite. Please raise a support ticket if you have further questions or book a demonstration to see the software in action.

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